The present thesis concerns the study and design of the structural framework for a
ground floor structure with a swimming pool and α basement, in which the main load bearing structure is made of reinforced concrete. The structure is covered by a room
over its entire area and covered by photovoltaic panels. In addition, there are 3 metal
columns that support part of the balcony, as shown in the architectural plans.
Number of floors: 1 (+basement for part of the building)
Predicted floors: 0
Usage: Dwelling
Significance: 2-γ|=1.00
The structure is a common construction, of which the main load-bearing structure is
made of reinforced concrete, while the infill structure is made of reinforced concrete
blocks. The metal supports are made of structural steel.
The basic load-bearing structure consists of horizontal superimposed slabs,
monolithically connected by cross beams and columns or walls, founded on a
general deck, which is assumed to be supported on elastic ground.
The infill structure is considered to transfer only the vertical load corresponding to it,
to the main load-bearing structure.
The analysis that is conducted is based on the following assumptions:
The carrier is composed of linear deformation elements.
The material of construction is continuous, homogeneous, isotropic and linear. It
follows the law of Hooke. The same applies for the structural steel.
The results of the analysis are valid only for small displacements. Consequently, it is
possible to ignore second order effects.
The stiffness coefficients are calculated on the undeformed carrier, while the
equilibrium equations are applied for the deformed position of the carrier.
The carrier is solved as a frame in space with 6 dynamic degrees of freedom per
node, and for the simulation of the diaphragm mode, the rotation of the nodes around
the vertical axes is equated on the level of the roof of the ground-floor. The pool is
simulated with surface finite elements and the ground thrusts are taken into account.
All the eigen periods and eigen modes of the building are calculated, and the results
use those which carry more than 90 % of the masses in accordance with the EC8-1.
The combination of the specific responses is done with the law of CQC. The
basement is assumed to receive no seismic loads.
The structure is ground-floor with a basement in part of it and is simulated in 3 levels.
At level 1, the roof of the basement is simulated. At level 2, the ground floor is
simulated, while at level 0, the foundation of the building is simulated.
The linear elements (beams, columns) are simulated as linear finite elements and the
slabs as solid slabs. Similarly, the metal supports are simulated with linear elements.
The mathematical simulation of the beam is automatically produced and the
geometric properties, calculated with the known types of geometry, are assigned to
its members, while for the properties of the
The mathematical simulation of the beam is created automatically produced along
with the geometric properties and are calculated with the known formulas of
geometry, while for the stiffness properties, the known formulas of material strength
are used